KIOS (Gemlik), the city in Asia Minor |
This is an attempt to give some information about the historical Greek city of KIOS, located on the Marmara sea (Propontis), close to Konstantinople in Asia Minor. The city was founded by the Militians in 630 B.C. (as well as other cities Kyzikos, Astakos, Avydos, Prokonnisos, Kalchidon) and for about 3000 years it was the centre of politics, economics, culture e.t.c. of the known world. Aristotle, the famous philosopher was so surprised by the democratic organization of the state that he wrote a whole study known as "KIANON POLITEIA". The city, very
famous also during the Byzantine Empire, after the Minor Asia
catastrophe in 1922, passed into Turkish hands with the name Gemlik.