My Back Garden
Patrick Bhanubandh
I live in the middle of Bangkok, which is a big city in
Thailand. It is rather noisy and polluted, but it is an exciting place to live.
We are lucky to have somewhere quiet and clean here – my back garden.
back garden is a place where I play with my dogs. It is very nice to have a
back garden with lots of trees and flowers. In this garden we have some
Eucalyptus and a big palm tree. There is a bush and some shrubs too. This place
is where my dogs go to the toilet.
my sister and I are having a birthday party we have it outside because we can
play games and run around. We can play tennis outside with my mum. We can do
lots of things in this small garden.
Patrick Bhanubandh is a twelve year old student at Cheam School in
England. For those of you who have seen the film ANNA AND THE KING, Patrick’s
great grandfather was King Rama Vth of Siam, the King depicted in the film, and
I spent a very enjoyable Christmas Holiday staying with his family in Bangkok.
King Rama Vth was an enlightened monarch, responsible for modernising Thailand.
Amongst his many achievements, he abolished slavery, introduced railways,
electricity, and other Western technology, though not without opposition.
Patrick’s father and I were at school together, and this composition was the
result of some help I gave him with his English during the Christmas Holiday.
John Foss.